List of Symposia
Symposia are pre-approved selections of invited speakers, grouped into a session on a specific topic.
If you are submitting an abstract as part of a symposium, please select the appropriate title of your symposium from the dropdown list ''Are you invited to submit to a Symposium?'' on the Abstract Submission Page.
Please note that symposia are presented in the same language as their title.
List of pre-approved Symposia
SYM-01 | Mapping Wetland Carbon Stocks I: From Measurements and Models to Maps |
SYM-02 | Bridging the knowledge gaps in temperate peatland swamps: past, present, and future. |
SYM-03 | Can-Peat: Canada's peatlands as nature-based solutions to climate change |
SYM-04 | Determining the success of restoration actions: best practices for monitoring |
SYM-05 | Emerging perspectives on the world’s largest regreening project: A 50-year retrospective |
SYM-06 | Fen restoration in North America: challenges and research gaps |
SYM-07 | Old Peat, New Voices: Frontiers in Global Peatland Research from Early Career Researchers |
SYM-08 | Planning restoration in urban, agricultural and boreal landscapes in order optimize ecosystem services and benefits to people |
SYM-09 | Plant Trait Approaches in Restoration Ecology |
SYM-10 | Plants as friends, foes, tools and kin: Indigenous perspectives on the ecological roles of plant species in restoration |
SYM-11 | Ponds and pools in wetlands: micro-habitats to restore |
SYM-12 | Projet pilote Phoslock® au lac Bromont: une santé restaurée |
SYM-13 | Restauration de cours d'eau / Des outils et réflexions vers une meilleure restauration |
SYM-14 | Restauration écologique des tourbières à sphaignes nord-américaines |
SYM-15 | Restoration Assessment and Monitoring for Seismic Line Recovery in Alberta’s Boreal Forest |
SYM-16 | Restoration of boreal peatlands in the in-situ oil sands regions in Alberta |
SYM-17 | Restoring peripheral resource regions in Québec: challenges and practices |
SYM-18 | Road decommissioning: Step back to limit our impacts |
SYM-19 | The design of biodiverse silvopastoral system thru applied nucleation: Restoration, livelihood and provision of multiple ecosystem services in a multifunctional landscapes |
SYM-20 | The environmental benefits of using biochar for ecological restoration |
SYM-21 | The fourth RE: REplacement of urban spaces with biodiverse ones |
SYM-22 | The intent and implementation of wetland offsetting in the mitigation hierarchy |
SYM-23 | Tidal wetland restoration: nature based solutions and blue carbon |
SYM-24 | Urban and Near-Urban Ecological Restoration: From Planning to Implementation |
SYM-25 | Urban soils : how can we increase knowledge and improve quality of substrates for urban green spaces? |
SYM-26 | Women in Ecosystem Restoration |
SYM-27 | Applied researchers top five list of practices that support the return of forests in industrially disturbed sites |
SYM-28 | Les initiatives de conservation et de restauration réalisées par la Ville de Québec et Agiro dans le bassin versant de la rivière St-Charles |
SYM-29 | IPS-ISHS Symposium |
SYM-30 | Assessing the state of ecological restoration knowledge in Canada |
SYM-31 | Learnings from and opportunities for Indigenous-oriented ecological restoration and rehabilitation in SE Canada and NE USA |
SYM-32 | Holistic Ecological Restoration. Four key elements and the way forward |