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Call for abstracts, Québec RE3 Conference: symposia and general sessions




The Québec RE3 Organizing Committee is now inviting presentations for the Québec RE3 Reclaim Restore Rewild international conference in Québec City, June 11-15th, 2023. We welcome abstracts for issues related to ecosystem reclamation, restoration, rewilding and/or wetland science, practice or policy, including social, cultural, and economic considerations. All abstracts must be submitted through the online form below by March 30, 2023, 23:00 EST (UCT/GMT -5hrs).

Please carefully review the information provided on this page before submitting your abstract. Any questions can be directed to [email protected]


Research Topics

  • The Science Behind Restoration
  • Policy and Planning
  • Economics of restoration and reclamation
  • Social, cultural and philosophical dimensions
  • Restoration/Reclamation/Rewilding amid rapid environmental change
  • Meeting specific restoration challenges
  • Restoration approaches for different biomes/ecosystems
  • Monitoring and assessing restoration, reclamation, rewilding outcomes
  • Wetland Biology, Ecology and Physical Sciences
  • Wetlands and Global Climate Change


1.  Before you begin

All abstracts must be submitted through the link below. This includes abstracts for presentations that have been invited as part of a symposium.

Attendees are limited to one contributed oral presentation and one contributed poster per person registered. There is no limit to the number of invited abstracts you can submit (i.e., if you are participating in multiple symposia). Invited speakers are also free to submit a contributed oral presentation and/or contributed poster, with the same limit of one each per registration. There is no limit to the number of abstracts in which you can be named as a co-author.

All presenters will be required to register for the conference by March 15, 2023. Presenters who do not register by this date will not be included in the conference program. We will issue acceptance notices by February 28th, 2023

The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to ask authors of contributed oral abstracts to change their presentation format. We will honor your desired format wherever possible; however, given room capacity limitations at the venue, we may need to request that you change. Specifically, we may ask that contributed oral presentations instead be presented as a poster. We will notify you by February 28, 2023, of any such change.


2.  Presentation formats

We are inviting abstracts for three different types of presentations:

Oral in a General Session– These are presentations submitted by attendees for inclusion in a regular oral session alongside other contributed presentations, which are grouped together by the Scientific Program Committee based on a common theme. Presenters will each have 15 minutes for their talk, including questions.

Oral in a Symposium – These are presentations that have been invited as part of an organized symposium. Generally, invited talks will also run for 15 minutes total. Symposium organizers may have some flexibility to adjust the scheduling of talks within their sessions, but as a general rule we will ask them to keep talks running concurrently with other sessions so attendees can switch between rooms at 15 min intervals, if they want to hear specific presentations.

Poster presentation– Posters will be displayed in a high-traffic area during the conference, giving authors the opportunity to present and discuss their work with other delegates in an informal setting.


3.  Preparing your abstract

Please take note of the following guidelines as you prepare your abstract:

  • A one page PDF abstract may be submitted in English or French and presentations or posters can be prepared in either language.
  • Abstracts must be directly relevant to the field of restoration, reclamation, rewilding and/or wetland science and should ideally emphasize new research results, cutting-edge developments or novel perspectives.
  • Abstracts (and presentations) should be developed with an international audience in mind. You should provide geographic context for the work being presented and consider how your work applies more broadly to researchers, practitioners, policymakers, etc. in other regions.
  • Abstracts will be limited to one page of maximum of 350 words. They should clearly present a concise statement of the topic or issue to be discussed, the question or objective underlying the work that will be presented, and a summary of methods, key findings, and conclusions. One photo or figure can also be included with the abstract.
  • The online platform will also ask you for a short text summary for the online program. Make sure to enter all authors named in the abstract in the order you would like them to appear in the conference program.
  • For contributed abstracts, we will ask you to indicate a theme that most closely relates to your presentation. This will help us place your talk into an appropriate session. Please note, however, that the Scientific Program Committee may ultimately choose a different theme for your presentation.


4.  Evaluation Process

The Scientific Program Committee will review abstracts and issue acceptances on February 28th, 2023. Abstracts will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific and technical merit, with emphasis on new research results, cutting-edge developments or novel perspectives.
  • Clear relevance to the fields of ecological reclamation, restoration, rewilding and/or wetlands, with implications for science, practice, policy, education, business, finance, etc.
  • Broad applicability, with emphasis on linking lessons and insights from specific projects to broader issues and trends.
  • Submission of a well-written abstract that clearly states the topic or issue to be discussed and summarizes major findings and conclusions.

For each abstract, there are three possible outcomes of the review, announced February 28th, 2023:

  • Accepted*: The abstract clearly meets the criteria outlined above and does not require any edits or revisions.
  • Needs correction: The abstract needs revisions and will be accepted conditional to corrections.
  • Rejected:The abstract clearly fails to meet the criteria outlined above, as determined by the Québec RE3 Scientific Program Committee, and is not suitable for presentation during the conference.

*As stated above, the Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to ask authors of contributed oral abstracts to change their presentation format. In these cases, the Committee will make acceptance of the abstract contingent upon the requested change in format.


5.  After your abstract is accepted

Registration: As noted above, all presenters are required to register for the conference by March 15, 2023. Presenters who do not register by this date risk having their presentation excluded from the conference program.

Visa: Attendees traveling to the conference from outside Canada are advised to check Visa-Biometrics passport/eTA requirements. See this page for more:

Scheduling: The Scientific Program Committee will meet in February 2023 to schedule all oral presentations and finalize the program of sessions. Contributed presentations will be grouped by theme, and the committee will make every effort to ensure optimal placement of each speaker. In most cases, we will be unable to accommodate special scheduling requests except in the event of an oversight or scheduling conflict. Oral presentations may be scheduled any time during the conference, from Monday morning, June 12th through Thursday afternoon, June 15th. We will post the detailed schedule on the conference website for the end of March and will notify speakers when they will be presenting.

Presentation specs: We will post detailed specifications for each presentation type on the conference website by March, 2023.


6.  Cancellation Policy

Please do not submit an abstract unless you are committed to attending the conference. Cancellations impose a serious burden and negatively impact the overall quality of the conference program. If extenuating circumstances force you to cancel your participation and you are unable to find a co-author or colleague to give your presentation on your behalf, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible at so we can update the program accordingly.


7.  Important Dates

November 16, 2022

Abstract submission period opens

February 6, 2023

Deadline for abstract submission

February 28, 2023

Abstract acceptance notices sent

March 22, 2023

Deadline for presenter registration


8.  Online Submission Form


Please do not submit your abstract via email.

If you have not received a confirmation in the following 5 days, please contact us. 
Any questions regarding the online submission process should be addressed to [email protected]. Please identify the number and title of your submission in your message.

RE3 Technical Program Committee email: [email protected]


ISHS online submission procedures



For ISHS symposia details:


Preliminary proposed topics

1.           Conventional and organic production with growing media

2.           Analytical methods growing media (biological, chemical, physical)

3.           Managing beneficial and harmful organisms in growing media

4.           Growing media fo green cities

5.           Growing media for space missions

6.           New and current components in growing media: organic and inorganic

7.           Circularity of growing media use: recycling of components, reuse of growing media

8.           Socioeconomical aspects linked to growing media use

9.         One-day joint conference symposium: Principles and processes in conserving and restoring peatlands and organic soils use. Objective: present the latest developments on principle and process behind reclaiming, restoring or rewilding diverse ecosystems in current use or previously used for harvesting, agriculture or forestry.

Conveners: Jean Caron and Jacynthe Dessureault-Rompré


To ensure a timely publication it is essential to respect the deadlines for submission. The online tool would not accept your submission anymore after a deadline has passed.

Check the symposium details for the exact timing and deadlines; contact the convener if you have further questions.

The submission workflow consists of two sequential stages: 1. the abstract submission, followed by 2. the fulltext paper submission & review/assessment (stage 2. only present in case abstract had been accepted in stage 1.)

For both abstracts and fulltext manuscripts: submit well in advance of the deadlines in order to prevent last‐minute rush and the risk of not meeting the deadlines.

Running a service for submitting abstracts and reviewing papers comes at a cost to ISHS; consequently a submission charge applies which partially covers the expenses for review, infrastructure overhead, hard/software maintenance, etc. This charge is due upon submission of an abstract and equals the cost of ISHS membership.


  • If you are a member in ISHS, the submission charge is waived as part of your membership benefits. Prior to initiating the submission process ensure that your address and contact details are up‐to‐date. If necessary update or renew your ISHS membership first. Check your membership here:
  • If not, proceed to first and pay to activate your user account prior to submitting an abstract.
It is essential that your email address is correct, valid and accepting email messages from ISHS – any further notifications regarding the submission process and acceptance/rejection will be sent to your email address.

Each step in the submission process will be confirmed to you by means of an email notification with further instructions or details.

It is your responsibility to ensure you receive email notifications sent to your email address. If you do not receive messages properly, check your spam folder and spam filter or add ISHS to the list of trusted senders (whitelist).

Once the abstract has been accepted for presentation [either as an oral‐ or poster presentation] you should register for the symposium and submit a fulltext for publication at the link below. This will allow the Organizing Committee to include your presentation in the program platform.

  1. Enter the link below and fill-in all the information.

Symposium proceedings will be published as a volume in the series of Acta Horticulturae.

Failure to register for the meeting will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the symposium program and your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings. Oral presenters who did not submit a paper may be refused the floor to present.

All oral presenters, including invited and keynote speakers, must submit a manuscript for publication in the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings while authors of posters are strongly encouraged to prepare and submit a manuscript for Acta Horticulturae. See for more details on how to prepare your manuscript for Acta Horticulturae.

 Presentations / Q&A Sessions

Presentations and Question and Answer Sessions

RE3 is currently planned as an In-Person conference. The following provides the current plan for types of sessions and how questions will be asked and answered in each case.

In-Person Oral Presentations

In-person oral presentations 15 minutes long including questions (plan a 12 minutes presentation + 3 minutes for questions) and are to be made in the meeting rooms at the Québec City Convention Centre.

More info to come.

In-Person Poster Presentations

In-person interactive posters are to be mounted on presentation boards in meeting rooms at the  Québec City Convention Centre.  

More info to come.